Thursday 12 April 2018

Open Letter To Theresa May

Dear Theresa,
I hope this letter meets you well and you are in good health.
My plan is to keep this brief just because I know you have a million items on your desk. My intention is to pass on some advice re: Syria.
To facilitate this approach, I will communicate by bullet points.
As a background, I must inform you I have form for this sort of thing, having written a similar piece to David Cameron.
In any event, please ignore that epistle for now and let me spell out my counsel to you:
  1. 1. Chemical weapon attacks have happened several times in Syria. Evidence has shown the Assad government has not been responsible for all those attacks.
  2. 2. Britain is on his way out of the European Union. We need to start being more strategic in our actions. Just because the EU supported our accusation of Russia on the Salisbury attack, doesn’t mean we owe them support on Syria.
  3. 3. Macron will need to show us his evidence that “they were used by the Assad regime.” We can no longer risk the security of our country just on the basis of innuendo.
  4. 4. Every single military action we have taken in the Middle East has come home to roost in the form of refugees and domestic attacks.
  5. 5. With the expiration of Tony Blair’s influence at governmental levels, the EU hawks have now pitched their tent with Macron. We don’t have to follow him blindly. Remember, we did that in Libya, only to find out France went into that crisis with a completely selfish and hidden agenda.
  6. 6. You are a PM who was not voted into office by the people, so it’s imperative that you listen to the electorate before you enter into any commitment of our armed forces. Your legacy will suffer if you ignore public opinion.
  7. 7. Your government is already suffering the backlash of jumping to conclusions re: Russia’s involvement in Salisbury. Time to tread softly.
  8. 8. Don’t rush to a decision based on the current noise. Think about what your point of view will be 10 years from now and then come to a conclusion.
  9. 9. As you can see with Tony Blair before you, no one remembers the other members of the cabinet after the event. The consequences of the whatever commitments you make, will be an albatross around your neck until the grave.
  10. 10. Leave Syria to Syrians.
There you are PM. Thanks for your time. Wishing you the best.

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